Copyright - Acknowledgement of Texts Copyright acknowledgements are required for all copyrighted texts reproduced in booklets and electronic projections used during worship services in order to satisfy copyright obligations. These acknowledgements are normally included in small print at the back of the service booklet or the very bottom of the relevant electronic slides. (Example acknowledgements are suggested below in blue):
Scripture Readings Jerusalem Bible Translation of Scripture used in Australian Lectionary for Mass, Vols I, II and III (London: Collins Liturgical, 1981) New Revised Standard Version Translation of Scripture used in the Canadian Lectionary (Ottawa: CCCB, 1992, 1993)
Liturgical Music Under Copyright In Australia, copyright normally lasts for 70 years after the end of the year of death of the author, composer or arranger. Acknowledgements should be worded in accordance with the relevant Copyright holder's or their agency's policy. Words or music no longer under copyright are considered to be in the "public domain."
All Catholic parishes in South Australia are licensed under the The One License Copyright scheme since it's introduction in Australia, with Willow Publishing serving as the agent in Australia and New Zealand. Participating publishers include OCP, GIA, WLP, Willow Publishing, Hope Publishing, Copycare Pacific, and many more.
Copyright Notice Requirements One License holders are required to print the copyright acknowledgement on the bottom of the first page of each reprinted hymn or song.
(when one copyright owner is responsible for the work):
In both situations, you would replace the example ONE LICENSE license number (#A-000000) with your own valid license number. Parishes in South Australia who are unsure of their license number or need assistance with copyright issues are able to contact the Office for Worship for assistance.
Displaying Permissions Copyright licences require overheads, song sheets and service booklets to display copyright permissions. Acknowledgements should be worded in accordance with the licence agreement. For example, on overheads include the title, author and composer and, at the base of the text/music, copyright date, copyright holder and, where applicable, Australian agent, "All rights reserved," "Used with Permission" and the Licence Number.
Acknowledgements in booklets can be included beneath individual items or grouped collectively at the end. One License requests that as you reprint and create new programs, you include the following information underneath songs reprinted under your ONE LICENSE license, in addition to the copyright information for that song:
Duration of Copyright For up to date information about the duration of copyright, please see Duration of Copyright: Information Sheet at the Australian Copyright Council website.