Throughout the year, the Pastoral Services Team offer a number of liturgical and formation courses and workshops to assist those involved in ministry within their parish.
Workshops are held 'on demand' with one of our team going out to your parish to lead parish members in their workshop of choice. These can include assistance as Readers in Mass, Extraordinary Ministers or Ministering to the Bereaved.
Workshop Outlines PROCLAIMING THE WORD (Readers in Mass) Proclaiming God's Word means more than being a good reader! We can provide a training session for all those on the reading roster at their local parish.
MINISTERING COMMUNION What does it mean to be called an 'extraordinary minister'? This workshop prepares parish members to be able to minister communion during Mass. The session covers the history of Communion and the procedure of distributing Communion.
MINISTERING TO THE SICK OR BEREAVED This workshop prepares parish members to be able to minister communion to the sick or bereaved. Those attending this workshop must be currently serving as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion in the Archdiocese of Adelaide.
DEVELOPING PARISH LITURGY TEAMS This workshop is for those who are interested in liturgy, already serve on a liturgy committee or would love to connect with others on all things liturgical. Topics could include the environment, communication, the Liturgical Documents, Resources.
EASTER TRIDUUM Celebrating Easter to the full
LITURGICAL MUSIC Exploring relevant liturgical music choices for today and working with the Parish to engage musical leaders.
To enquire about any of these courses and workshops, please have someone from your Parish leadership team contact our office at 8210 8130 or by email: [email protected].