This certificate course aims to bring a practical and informed understanding of the central points of the reformed liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church to those who take active roles in the preparation and implementation of liturgy. It is particularly aimed at parishioners who participate in any liturgical ministry and does not presume any formal or informal training in theology or liturgy.
The core units reflect the vital importance of the Assembly at the heart of every liturgical celebration.
The sessions are designed to allow for questions, group discussions and personal reflection. A collection of suitable readings is provided for all participants in the course.
You can join the program at any point.
Generally, at the completion of each topic (unit) you will be asked to write a reflection paper of approximately 1000 words. This is not an exam; rather, it's an opportunity for you to think about how you now view your faith in the light of what you have learnt and apply it to your own situation, be it in the parish, work or home. However, for any teacher claiming the unit for SAM accreditation, a 1500 word marked paper is essential. [Each unit is a System Accredited Module (SAM) offered to teachers for Catholic Professional Formation (CPF) Allowance purposes.]
A certificate from the Diocese will be awarded on completion of at least 4 units each of which is six weeks long, 2 hours per week. Each unit costs $50 per participant.
Core Units The Spirit of the Liturgy A general introduction to the liturgy, providing insight into the meaning and implications of current liturgical reforms in the context of the riches of Catholic liturgical tradition, with special focus on the Liturgical Assembly.
The Word of God in the Church's Liturgy (May 2024) This course is designed to help Catholics understand the role of the Scriptures in the Church's Liturgy and how the Word of God is a source of ongoing nourishment for our faith.
The Eucharist Explore the history and development of the Eucharist according to the Roman rite. As well as focusing on the Eucharistic celebration itself, participants will gain insight and knowledge about Eucharistic devotions, consider architecture and space, and have the opportunity to develop practical skills in preparing for Eucharistic celebrations.
Elective Units Alive in Christ: Initiation into the Catholic Church (Aug 2024) This topic (unit) presents an overview of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) as it is understood and practised within the Catholic Church. Beginning with an investigation of baptismal themes in the New Testament, the topic then explores the Catechumenate during the first five centuries of the Church before considering its reinstatement after the Second Vatican Council.
Music in the Liturgical Assembly Aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills required to make appropriate theological, musical and pastoral judgements concerning the use of music within the liturgical celebration.
For more information about the course, please complete the form below.