musical settings for the new translation of the mass
The six recommended settings are:
Chant Mass (printed in the Roman Missal)
Mass of St Francis by Paul Taylor Published by the Archbishop’s Office for Evangelisation, Archdiocese of Melbourne, distributed by the Catholic Bookshop []
Mass of Our Lady, Help of Christians by Richard Connolly Published by CanticaNova (USA), distributed by Willow Publishing
Missa Magis by Fr Christopher Willcock sj Published by OCP (USA) []
Mass of Christ the Redeemer by Bernard Kirkpatrick Published by OCP (USA) []
Mass Shalom by Br Colin Smith cfc, revised by Paul Mason Published by Willow Publishing []
*The Mass of St Francis is the setting which the Archbishop has asked that all parishes learn so that when we come together for diocesan gatherings we can use it.
* Willow has also produced a Mass Booklet for the Assembly, which contains the melody lines of the eleven settings marked with an asterisk in the lists above.