Author: Kathy Horan Our Church is currently still basking in the surge of newness of life and purpose ushered in with the celebration of Easter.
The joy of the risen Lord is with us and before us as we come together as communities to remember that goodness has overcome evil, light shines forth and dispels all kinds of darkness, joy takes the place of sadness and hope urges us on as God’s people, called to see life differently. At the Easter Vigil, many candidates who had come inquiring about what it means to become Catholic were formally received into the Catholic Church. They were fully initiated into the Church through the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and Eucharist. Several others, baptised in other Christian churches, were received into full communion with the Catholic Church, being confirmed and then celebrating first Communion.
Author: Kathy Horan On Sunday, May 19 this year, many communities within the Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide will gather to take part in the annual Marian Procession and Peace Rally. This year’s procession is the 70th in the series and will be a public honouring of Mary, the Mother of God and Mother of the Church.
For centuries, Mary has captured the hearts and imaginations of Christians all over the world as they reflected on her role and importance in the life of Jesus and of his followers. Litanies of Mary attempt to honour various aspects of Mary’s life: she is named Mother of Mercy and Compassion, Our Lady of Grace, Queen of Heaven, Star of the Sea, to name a few. Qualities such as patience, acceptance, forgiveness, understanding and love are honoured in her. All of these titles and qualities, and more, enable us to reflect on the importance of Mary, the woman who gave birth to Jesus and whose faith and trust in God enabled her, at the Annunciation, to say yes to what God was asking of her. |
Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide